AmpliHLA - Amplicon Sequencing HLA typing tool
AmpliHLA performs HLA typing of amplicon sequencing data.
Amplicon sequencing data is automatically processed using AmpliSAS algorithm.
HLA alleles are annotated comparing genotyped variants against the genomic and cDNA sequences from the
IMGT/HLA database.
AmpliHLA has been developed for research purposes and it is not intended for human diagnosis.
AmpliHLA takes as input:
- SEQUENCE FILE: FASTQ or FASTA format file (compressed or uncompressed). Multiple sample/amplicon sequence files should be packed into a unique .ZIP or .TAR.GZ file. Also previously analyzed results can be used as input in AmpliSAS format Excel file.
- AMPLICON DATA 1: primer and tag information in a CSV format file as explained in the documentation.
Several markers can be used for the same locus, ex. 2 or more markers for exons 2 and 3. In fact it is encouraged to obtain accurate and unambiguous genotypes.
An Excel file will be generated with genotyping results and expanded redundant allele assignations of high precission genotypes.
Results can be downloaded on the same page or from an email message after analysis completion.
For more information, read the documentation.
Run AmpliHLA
Your use of any of these tools is at your own risk. We do not give any representation or warranty nor assume any liability or responsibility for the data nor the results posted (whether as to their accuracy, completeness, quality or otherwise). Access to these data is available free of charge for ordinary use in the course of research. By visiting the site, you accept our use of cookies and you accept that your data and results will be stored in our server.